The Department of Languages and Mass Communication at the School of Arts of Kathmandu University (KU) has completed preparations for an international seminar on "Two Decades of the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication." The seminar will be held on 26 May 2024 at Kathmandu University’s School of Arts, Hattiban, Lalitpur. The event will feature two plenary sessions and six parallel sessions, with 36 presentations by national and international scholars and researchers. The presentations will focus on the significance, relevance, and applications of the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication and its founding components, which highlight the Eastern tradition of communication theories based on Indigenous Knowledge System. “We are encouraged by the growing interest from academics and researchers both within and outside the country to participate in the seminar. We expect over 200 participants. This seminar will be instrumental in promoting the Eastern model of communication based on indigenous reorientation,” said Dr. Sudhamshu Dahal, Associate Professor and convener of the seminar.
The two plenary sessions are themed "Two Decades of the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication and Future Prospects" and "Sadharanikaran Model of Communication and Multidisciplinary Dynamics." Similarly, the parallel sessions will discuss six themes: De-Westernization, Asiacentricity and Reorientation, Natyashastra and Vakyapadiya, Beyond the Boundaries; From Ancient Wisdom to Digital Dynamics, Pursuit of Sahridayata, and Communication Praxis. Prof. Dr. K.K. Agarwal, Chancellor of South Asian University (SAU) in New Delhi, India, will be the chief guest at the seminar. Renowned Professor Dr. Yoshitaka Miike, from the University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA, will deliver the keynote speech. Other prominent international speakers, including Prof. Dr. K.G. Suresh, Vice Chancellor of Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University (MCU), Prof. B.K. Kuthiala, former vice chancellor of MCU, Prof. Han Hong, vice president of the School of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Electronic Science and Technology, China, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Suamba, from Polytechnic Negeri University in Bali, Indonesia, and Shuchi Yadav, Chairperson of the Centre for Media Study, JNU, India, will deliver their papers and speeches.
The Sadharanikaran Model of Communication was developed in 2003 by Dr. Nirmala Mani Adhikary, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Languages and Mass Communication (DoLMC) at KU. This communication model is included in the curricula of various universities worldwide and has been featured in numerous national and international academic research articles.